Dr. Suspicio's Words of Wisdom and/or Utter Crap

"Who are you, and why the #%! are you trying to smuggle a giant bear corpse out of my house?!" --Me

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Location: Bouvet Island

I am 24, a liberal, and god-damn frustrated and angry. Beyond that...I'm a geek.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Minor musing.

From today's NY Times: "An administration whose tax policy has been dominated by the toweringly selfish Grover Norquist - who has been quoted as saying: "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub" - doesn't have the instincts for this moment. Mr. Norquist is the only person about whom I would say this: I hope he owns property around the New Orleans levee that was never properly finished because of a lack of tax dollars. I hope his basement got flooded. And I hope that he was busy drowning government in his bathtub when the levee broke and that he had to wait for a U.S. Army helicopter to get out of town."

God, I love Thomas Friedman.

I also love the California Legislature and their passage of a bill legalizing gay marriage in that state, or, as I prefer to say it, taking homophobes and fuckin' 'em in their fuckin' stupid noses.

(Bush still sucks, though.)


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