Dr. Suspicio's Words of Wisdom and/or Utter Crap

"Who are you, and why the #%! are you trying to smuggle a giant bear corpse out of my house?!" --Me

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Location: Bouvet Island

I am 24, a liberal, and god-damn frustrated and angry. Beyond that...I'm a geek.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Ahh, back to the old grind.

What does it say about our country that I am now not even the least bit surprised that Bush's team in charge of determining who was best qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice decided that the most qualified person was the head of the search team?

And to think that the worst example of Bush's cronyism reared its ugly head only weeks ago... We expect kindergartners to learn from their mistakes, but not Presidents.

Oh, and how is it that, once again, I end up agreeing with George Will?


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